據資料顯示,電視并不能集中人的注意力,電視觀眾40%的人同時在閱讀,21%的人同時在做家務,13%的人在吃喝,12%的人在玩賞它物,10%在烹飪,9%在寫作,8%在打電話。而網上用戶55%在使用計算機時不做任何它事,只有6%同時在打電話, 5%在吃喝, 4%在寫作。也就是說相對傳統媒體,網絡用戶的專注度更高。并且網絡用戶都有著自身的瀏覽習慣,對于網絡宣傳可以很好的掌控,易于鎖定受眾群體,起到更好的宣傳效果。
According to data, television cannot concentrate people's attention. 40% of TV viewers are reading at the same time, 21% are doing household chores, 13% are eating and drinking, 12% are enjoying things, 10% are cooking, 9% are writing, and 8% are making phone calls. However, 55% of online users do not do anything else while using their computers, only 6% make phone calls simultaneously, 5% eat and drink, and 4% write. That is to say, compared to traditional media, online users have a higher level of focus. Moreover, internet users have their own browsing habits, which allows them to have good control over online promotion, making it easy to target the target audience and achieve better promotional results.
3. Lower cost of video promotion and promotion
Compared to traditional media, online media has lower promotional costs, wider and more effective promotional areas. And it has better extensibility, allowing users to access more detailed information at any time. Secondly, online media is easier to manipulate and information changes are faster. Users can be informed of the required information in a timely manner.